Jesuits Control America with Fraternities & Jesuit Alumni
Homosexuality (agenda based, which is extremely present in all forms of entertainment media) is mandatory when working under the cabal.
- Alcohol is major component to invite promiscuity & possession in the sexual act locking you into deeper layers of the matrix.
Sports(Tyson Ass) and sports based films like happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, Longest Yard & Bench Warmers are prime examples.
(Family Guy and similar shows are made from Irish men)
One reason is to prevent Goddess energy(reception) cultivation within men especially, through domineering attitude, competition and needing to be the guy who comes out on top no matter what.
[BENDER (chessboard often an excuse to use masonic symbolism) ]
Here are some quick Frat Stats:
- "Fraternity men represent about 2% of the male population of America. What is happening to that 2% ? They are leading this nation! Approximately 80% of the executives of the 500 largest corporations in America are fraternity men."
- Since 1900, 63 % of members of the US cabinet have been members of fraternities & sororities, & the current CEOs of 5 of the 10 largest Fortune 500 companies are members of fraternities and sororities. In addition, 85% of all justices of the U.S. Supreme Court since 1910 have been members of fraternities.
- Fraternities represented the intersection between dining clubs, literary societies and secret initiatory orders such as Freemasonry.... a tradition in that fraternity to name its buildings "lodges".... the house was located deep in the woods.[10]
- " approximately 9 million student & alumni members of fraternities & sororities in North America, or about 3 %
of the total population.
Since the fraternities inception, 17 U.S. Presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court Justices,[5] and more than 150 Nobel Laureates have been inducted members.[6]
This is also designed to programmed people to bend to the system and glamorize people who bend to the cabal from the start which is the beginning of the energetic lock they place on your consciousness that connects you to the beast system which the Jesuits are playing a part in controlling/operating, this is the secret occult power and intention behind the curtain.Just a dog on a leash.
True leaders of the Cabal networks are the Black Nobility families.
They are Italian Papal Bloodlines.
> Examples
- "ancient Italian city where the Volturi reside." - twilightsaga/Volterra,_Italy
Black Nobility control at least 80% of the top echelons of human society
through so-called Greek fraternities, which are a Jesuit creation:

- Jesuits are the hand the Black nobility use to run the other factions worldwide, through religion they get the perfect excuse to travel and embed themselves globally like no other cabal faction can.
- "Greek was chosen, because Greek was in Roman times the language of science like Latin in medieval times."
- (not only do they do it at their own schools but even Non Jesuit schools)

Recruiting Spies & Agents
The Critical

- under #4 (link below) you will see almost his whole cabinet & every CIA Director was fraternity members or Jesuit Educated , connected to Rome or the Catholic church in some way-jesuits-mentioned-in-classic-how Illuminati create Mk Slave.

- LL.M. degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in 2002.[14]
- He also worked for the Koch affiliated Freedom Partners.[20]
- McGahn also recommended the nomination of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta. Acosta was sworn in on April 28, 2017.[29]
- " The Illuminati movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt " -
It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s.
Its no secret that fraternity code of conduct includes secrecy
but before you ever receive those secrets
you must first be conditioned by undergoing (Hazing) literally trauma-based mind-programming
they key principle/tool of the Dark Forces :
Once your loyal & programmed from willing submission you can access to the deeper rewards of knowing those secrets
The real reason for Trauma based Mk is to ensure possession :
& This is where it all starts, the Gateway into Power (Eternity-Fraternity) :
This is how Jesuits have compromised batches of people awaiting placement into the government & elsewhere
The compromising is designed into the frat life once you graduate & need a job the cabal knows who to pick & knows they will forever follow orders. Fraternity is like eternity that's why they say "for life"
They are getting blackmailed before they even get the job~this is HOW they QUALIFY for the JOB and get nominated & then confirmed *those nominating & confirming are fellow frat members or direct Jesuit school trained in most cases all this time in all the positions of power.
The Voice Actor for Bender is John_DiMaggio
- raised in the Catholic faith. He attended Rutgers University.[3][4] One of his schoolmates was political strategist Steve Schmidt.[5]----He(steve) joined the Delta Tau Delta fraternity,[17]
A Look Into Initial Fraternities:

It was in this school :
Sun+Castle comes from the Black Nobility & their religion often times.
That school is affiliated with this church :
- "traces its history to the Christian church recorded as existing in the Roman province of to describe itself as both Reformed and Catholic " - /Church_of_England
- "..Clark’s
freshman year of college—she was sexually assaulted. The university did
not punish the perpetrator. Instead, administrators gave her a
victim-blaming response. “They gave
me this simile—that rape is like a football game and I should look back
on it and ask myself what I would’ve done differently in that
situation,” Clark said. "
Also found this :
" The Kappa Alpha Society (ΚΑ), founded in 1825, was the progenitor of the modern fraternity system in North America."
The Kappa Alpha Society represents the middle link between secret societies, literary societies, and Greek-letter organizations like Phi Beta Kappa.
They refereed to themselves as "The Founder of the Society"
Another founding member Isaac W. Jackson was a Quaker :
- George Fox founded the Quakers.Foxes are considered cunning tricksters. Quakers are about a society of friends--Fox News has a show call "Fox & Friends" People who own Fox News are Vatican connected
>> "Political left (Rothschild-controlled) is more inclined towards libertarian Luciferianism which is based on deep occult misunderstanding on the use of free will (Thelema), which they interpret as the permission to do whatever they want for selfish purposes. Luciferians are outcasts of mystery schools that did not pass the initiation tests.
Shortly after Kappa Alpha Society, 2 more Greek chapters were made,
- " which has a Knight of Malta Symbol - " Hyde went on to design the badge still worn by members of Delta Phi today, which includes a Maltese Cross, a symbol used by the Knights of Malta."
& Sigma Phi :
- " The practices and rituals of the Sigma Phi Society are relatively
unknown due to its establishment, and continued consideration, as a secret society.[1] "
here are some Alumni - more here
J. Patrick Doyle |
former CEO of Domino's Pizza |
Charlie Munger |
vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway |
Todd Parent |
founder and CEO of Extreme Pizza |
Oldest secret society for women. [1] Alpha_Delta_Pi
Another initial female fraternities (sorority term not invented yet) was Kappa_Alpha_Theta
- " G. William Domhoff, writing in Who Rules America?, listed Kappa Alpha Theta as one of "the four or five sororities with nationwide prestige" in the mid-1960s.[7]
- " Bettie Locke(Founder-Kappa Alpha Theta)
( Silver is code for teenage girls)
- "developed the idea...through the encouragement of her father, a professor at Indiana Asbury and a member of Beta Theta Pi, & Phi Gamma Delta....Kappa Alpha Theta's ritual, organizational structure, badge, and coat of arms were influenced by those of Beta Theta Pi and Phi Gamma Delta due to her familial connections."
Also there is an enormous list of people involved in that frat , just a few :
Dan Carney | Wichita State 1953 | Co-founder of Pizza Hut |
Chris DeWolfe | Washington 1988 | CEO of |
Bill Bowerman | Oregon 1933 | Founder of Nike, Inc. |
David Coulter | Carnegie Mellon 1971 | Former chairman and chief executive officer of BankAmerica Corporation |
Justin Dart | Northwestern 1929 | Founder of Dart Industries |
David Duffield | Cornell 1962 | President and CEO of PeopleSoft Inc |
Charles G. Koch | MIT 1957 | Chairman and CEO of Koch Industries--( Epstein Killers ) |
Hugh McColl | "North Carolina 1957" | CEO of Bank of America |
Bruce Nordstrom | Washington 1955 | Former chairman and CEO of Nordstrom |
Sam Palmisano | Johns Hopkins 1973 | CEO of IBM |
Donald Petersen | Washington 1946 | Former CEO of the Ford Motor Company |
Frank Shrontz | Idaho 1954 | Past Chairman and CEO of The Boeing Company |
John D. Zeglis | University of Illinois 1969 | Former chairman and CEO of AT&T Wireless[28] |
Sam Walton | Missouri 1940 | Founder of Wal-Mart |
- Steuart Walton -Born into the billionaire Walton family, a director of Walmart...earned a law degree from the (Jesuit)Georgetown University Law Center.
- Jim Walton is the head of Arvest Bank which is involved with money laundering and making bribes for takeovers and for human trafficking. Walmart was investigated for making cash bribes for takeovers in Mexico. The Waltons shut down the investigation. The Waltons also sold several of their former Walmart stores to the United States government which have been used for holding and trafficking immigrant children who were forcibly taken from their parents. The Waltons finance child trafficking and pedophilia networks.
Phi Gamma Delta Along with Phi Kappa Psi, (Eye Symbol) forms a half of the Jefferson Duo
founders, referred to by members as the "Immortal Six"
Immortal six were Freemasons.
The fraternity once used a mascot named "Fiji Man,"
They have many re-occurring sexual abuse problems
Additional Points
The Sorority that coined the term ( prior all was called fraternity ) was Gamma Phi Beta
by Dr. Frank Smalley, a professor at Syracuse University.[5]
If you were to google who created Greek fraternities one thing they will tell you is that it started with him
Who went to this school :
that has this logo :
which is affiliated with the church ( Jesuit Territory naturally ) , specifically this one :
as usual "All Roads Lead To Rome " :
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